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  4. Why MT710 experience wide variations in battery life

Why MT710 experience wide variations in battery life

Recently, a customer has provided feedback regarding significant time differences observed during multiple tests on the same device in their testing process. We have conducted a thorough analysis and identified a potential correlation with the charging process. We have outlined the specific analysis below.

About MT710 Charging

Due to the current design of the MT710, the device automatically powers on and operates in the current working mode upon connecting the USB charging cable. Therefore, the device consumes battery power while charging, resulting in a relatively longer charging process.

When the battery’s voltage reaches 4.1V, it charges slowly with a smaller current. At that moment, the device is still not fully charged, so it needs to continue charging until it reports “FULL,” which means it is fully charged. Please note that once the device is fully charged, it will automatically stop charging for safety reasons.

This means that the MT710 needs to be charged for at least 2.5 hours to get a full charge. Once it is fully charged, charging stops. Thereafter, the device will consume battery power as it is powered on and continues to report to the server.

Charging Test

  • While still under charging, the current is 86.61mA
  • When the charging is complete, the device will automatically stop charging, and at that point, the charging current is 0mA.


  • If you want to test the battery life of the MT710, we recommend starting the timer after the device is fully charged (indicated by a “FULL” report) and then disconnecting the USB charger.
  • When the device is powered off, it is recommended to charge it for at least 2.5 hours or more until you receive a charging notification (indicated by the platform receiving a “FULL” report).
  • Conduct the testing in the same environment, taking into account that battery life is also affected by factors such as temperature, network signal quality, GPS signal, platform connection, and weather conditions.
  • It should be noted that battery life is also influenced by multiple factors such as temperature, network signal quality, GPS signal, platform connection, and weather conditions.
Updated on August 4, 2023

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