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  4. How to Upgrade BG96 Firmware on MT710

How to Upgrade BG96 Firmware on MT710

This post will show you how to upgrade the BG96 firmware on Mictrack MT710.

Upgrade MCU firmware

  • Upgrade to the MCU firmware to “BG951_POWERKEY” first

Install the USB Driver

  • Install the USB Driver “Quectel_LTE&5G_Windows_USB_Driver_V2.2.4

Connect USB Upgrade Cable

  • One Side connect to the BG96’s upgrade PIN on MT710
  • Onc side connect to PC

Power ON MT710

  • Insert the backup battery to MT710
  • Press the SOS Button for 3 seconds to Power ON

Check Com Port

You can open Device Manager (press the Windows button then type ‘device’).

  • Right-click the “Windows Start” ;
  • Select the “Device Manager”;
  • Click “Port (COM & LPT) and Note the DM Port(“Quectel USB DM Port (COM18)”
DM Port

Firmware Upgrade

  • Open “QFlash_V6.2.exe” on the “Qflash_V6.2” folder;
  • Select the DM Port on “COM Port”;

Make Sure DM Port is correct or it may upgrade fail.

  • Click the “Load FW Files” , choose the firmware folder and select the“prog_nand_firehose_9x06.mbn” file under the “update\firehose” folder.
  • Click the “Start” button and then Choose the “MBN autosel feature enabled
  • “PASS” will be shown on the interface after the firmware has been successfully

For Standard BG96 version can choose any file under the “update” folder.
For NTT Version have to choose the “*mbn” file under the “update” folder.

Updated on March 27, 2024

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