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  4. How to Setup MP91 via USB Config Tool

How to Setup MP91 via USB Config Tool

MP91 Can be programmed via USB Cable, SMS. This post will show you how to setup your MTP91 via the USB Configuration Tool.

Install SIM Card

  • Prepare one Micro 3FF SIM card.
  • Insert the SIM card into the slot with the cut corner oriented correctly, with the contacts facing up.

Make sure SIM Card direction is correct or maybe broken the sim card slot.

Power ON

After installing the SIM card, the MP91 will power on automatically (Blue LED light)

Download Config Tool

  • Click hereto download the “MP91_Config_Tool_User_Guide” to your PC;
  • Unzip all of them to the same folder;
Unzip them into the same folder

Please make sure to unzip them into the same folder, or the commands will be lost in the SSCOM tool.

Install GPS Driver

  • Click the “GPS Driver” and install it.

Connect to Tracker

Please make sure to use the “USB Config Cable,” or it may not be recognized.

USB Config Cable connects to PC

The MP91 Config cable is customized and not the standard cable on the market. so please make sure to connect the MP91 with the MP91 config cable.

Check Com Port

You can open Device Manager (press the Windows button then type ‘device’).

  • Right-click the “Windows Start” ;
  • Select the “Device Manager”;
  • Click “Port (COM & LPT) and confirm Port number (“USB-SERIAL CH340 (COM15)
Com Port Number
Com Port Number

In the image above COM15 disappears when I unplug my USB Config cable, so COM15 is the port I need to choose on sscom tool.

If Insert the USB Config Cable and show “PL2303HXA PHASED OUT” please check this article to fix it.

SSCOM tool

  • Open “sscom” tool
  • Select the Comm Port number that shows on “Port (COM & LPT)” (step 1)
  • Choose the BaudRate 115200 (step 2)

The Default BaudRate is 115200, it can’t work at other baudrate.

  • Click “OpenCom” (step 3 in picture)
  • Click “EXT” (step 4 in the picture)

Do not select “ AddCrLf ” on the sscom tool, or send the commands will fail.

Send Commands to Tracker

Now you can send the commands to GPS Tracker MP91.

  • Click “START” comamnd it will show the config info
  • Input the correct SIM Card APN and then click “APN”
  • Input the IP and Port and then click “IP/Port” etc.
  • In put the ACC ON/OFF report interval time

Commands List

ItemCommand formatExampleReply
IP/PortAT%TEST=SMS[][IP demo.tracccar.org 5013]AT%TEST=SMS[][IP demo.tracccar.org 5013]OK
Change passwordAT%TEST=SMS[][password,123456,771700]AT%TEST=SMS[][password,123456,771700]OK
MP91 USB config commands list


I can’t find the com port number on sscom tool, what happens?
Make sure the “GPS Driver” is installed on your PC. If installed and then check if connect the tracker with the USB Config cable and NOT the Charging cable.
Why do I get the alert “USB Device not recognized”?
If get the alert when you connect the USB cable to the PC, please check if you use the MP91 Config cable (this is the customized cable not standard)

The MP91 ONLY works with the Config cable.
The USB Config cable is connected and tries to send the command but no response?
Maybe the battery is low pls check if the LED is light.
How do I query the current setting?
There are two ways to check the settings:
1. SMS command: CXZT
2. USB command: AT%TEST=START
Updated on August 5, 2024

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