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  2. How to Send SMS to Mictrack Devices with 1nce Platform

How to Send SMS to Mictrack Devices with 1nce Platform

If you are using 1nce IoT SIM Cards with Mictrack tracking devices, you can send the SMS commands to the devices using the 1nce Platform

Login 1nce

Login the 1nce with your username and password: https://portal.1nce.com

SIM Card List

Choose tab “My SIMs” you will see the list of 1nce SIM cards that are in your account.

Send SMS to Tracker

Select the SIM card to which the SMS command has to be sent. You will be forwarded to the “SMS” tab.

  • Enter a Source Address which has to be a valid value. (Recommended values from 1 to 65535).
  • If Source Address is not entered you will not see a response from the device on the 1nce platform.
  • In the “Payload” field enter the desired SMS command.
  • In the example “RCONF,1” command is sent.

For Mictrack tracking devices, the SMS commands may vary. Please download the command list from here and then select the appropriate “SMS Commands” section.

Updated on April 24, 2024

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